Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Beginning...

(Deep breath)... I guess the start of this blog makes it official: in less than two weeks I will board a plane to the Philippines and start my adventure with OMS!!

I'm often asked: are you excited or nervous (?) and I feel like my answer is never just either/or... Excited? YES.  Nervous? OF COURSE.  A million other emotions?  ABSOLUTELY.

And so, as I've searched for a way to articulate exactly  how I feel - I've found the best thing I can relate it to is skydiving... For those of you who have been before, I'm sure you know the feeling of standing at the open door of a small rickety plane 13,000 feet above the ground and thinking “oh crap – this is insane”!  Your legs shake and your stomach feels like it’s in the back of your throat.  But then you hear your guide say, “time to jump” and you remember as you hold tight to the parachute strapped to your back – THIS is exactly what I signed up for!  So, with a deep breath and a rush of adrenaline you jump with full confidence (finding the fall back to the ground incredible and entirely worth it)!

That is how I feel now... as I stand on the precipice of a calling God gave me nearly 14 years ago.  I'm filled with excitement - but also a feeling of 'this is crazy' as I leave everything and everyone, loved and familiar, 8 thousand miles away.  Yet as I get ready to jump, I hear God's strong and gentle words: THIS is exactly what I created you for.  So, holding tight to a faith that can't be shaken... and with full confidence in my Lord - my Guide, I GO... boldly following wherever He leads...

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9